How long does the roadwork take?

    The contractor will be in your neighborhood for a few days to prepare, apply, and clean up after the slurry seal, along with setting up and removing traffic controls (i.e. cones, barricades, tape, etc.). During the 4-hour slurry application, access to driveways and neighborhood roads may be unavailable.

    What do residents need to do?

    Avoid areas with traffic control or where fresh slurry has been applied. If you will need to leave during the process, you are encouraged to park outside of the work zone.

    When can I drive on the street?

    After the contractor removes cones, barricades, and tape and reopens the streets, you can start using them again. The slurry seal typically sets in 4 hours, but it fully cures in about 30 days. During this time, try to avoid sharp turns to help the seal last longer.

    Why are there loose rocks on the road after the slurry?

    It’s common to see loose rocks in the slurry seal over the next month. The contractor will sweep up excess rock at the project’s end.