Lemp Street FAQs

    How does a storm drain line fail?

    The aluminum storm drain pipe is over fifty years old and has likely eroded over time due to natural elements. This area of town receives heavy runoff from the Boise foothills. Additionally, the storm drain system conveys irrigation waters in the spring and summer months. The combination of age and recent rain events likely caused the pipe to fail and the earth around it to move, creating a void beneath the roadway.  

    What causes the roadway to collapse?

    Pavement and asphalt become pliable in the heat. With the recent heatwave and void below the roadway from the pipe failure, the road collapsed due to the lack of support. 

    Will the sinkhole expand in size?

    The hole has the potential to expand. ACHD crews have blocked off the impacted area to ensure the safety of area residents and commuters. 

    Was anyone injured?

    There were no injuries and we appreciate the vigilant neighbors for reporting this issue in its early stages, allowing ACHD crews to work quickly. 

    When was the issue reported?

    ACHD received a report of the issue from the Ada County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency dispatch around 5:30PM at which time the district mobilized units and immediately placed both barriers and barricades. 

    Are pedestrians allowed in the area?

    The sidewalk is closed and residents are asked to avoid the area and allow crews to make the needed repairs. We understand everyone is curious, and we will provide updates along the way (including photos and video). We appreciate your patience and understanding. 

    How long will it take to complete the repairs?

    With the emergency authorization in place, ACHD will be able to work with a contractor to move quickly to make repairs.

    The pipe is being installed this week and is expected to be repaved at the beginning of next week. The road is expected to reopen by the middle of next week (week of September 10-16).

    Please keep in mind that construction timelines are dependent upon weather and other factors and can shift. ACHD will keep the public informed.