What is the Mitchell Street Concept Study?

    ACHD is developing a concept design for Mitchell Street from Victory Road to Arabian Street, which includes exploring bicycle and pedestrian improvements, traffic calming, and enhanced crossing opportunities along Mitchell Street.
    The aim is to identify potential improvements that will serve the growing demands of our diverse community while preserving the unique character of the neighborhood.

    Is this a safety study or a bike and pedestrian study?

    It’s both! The study aims to enhance safety by focusing on bicycle and pedestrian improvements, traffic calming, and better crossing opportunities along Mitchell Street. It’s important to see the corridor as a connected system rather than isolated networks. Local residents, students, and visitors often rely on different modes of transportation, so the proposed improvements will consider how all these elements work together to serve the community’s needs and preserve the neighborhood’s distinct character.

    How is this going to affect me?

    ACHD’s goal is to enhance the quality of life in the community. Your input matters, and you have a say in what happens in your neighborhood. Please reach out to us using any of the methods mentioned on this page and let us know your thoughts.

    When would the recommended improvements be constructed?

    After the final concept is approved, the improvements will be reviewed and scheduled for design and construction through ACHD’s Integrated Five-Year Work Plan.

    Can't we just leave it alone?

    While a ‘no-build’ option is possible, this corridor is a high priority from the Boise School District to add bike and pedestrian infrastructure so that kids walking and biking to school can do so safely.
    ACHD continuously invests in communities to ensure streets meet current and future needs. Previous planning efforts including the Southwest Neighborhood Plan and the Boise School District have highlighted Mitchell Street as a priority for the community.

    Will there be any changes to on-street parking?

    We conducted a parking analysis and found that the majority of on-street parking is used near Mitchell Street and Arabian Drive during school drop-off and pick-up times. To enhance student safety, some changes to on-street parking are proposed here, focusing on reducing potential conflict points between cars and pedestrians, ensuring safety is a priority. There will be no changes to on-street parking on any of the other cross streets.

    How will larger vehicles, such as trucks with livestock trailers, navigate turns?

    We’ve carefully evaluated the proposed concepts using vehicle tracking tools to ensure that trucks with livestock trailer attachments will be able to navigate curbs and intersections safely and effectively.

    What is a vehicle tracking analysis?

    A vehicle tracking analysis uses advanced software to simulate how different types of vehicles, such as trucks with livestock trailers, will move through intersections and turns in real life. This analysis helps ensure that the updated concepts can accommodate these larger vehicles without them needing to take wide or unsafe turns.

    Will trees be impacted?

    The current concepts were updated with the intention of preserving the existing trees, so we do not currently anticipate any impacts. During the design phase, we will know more about any potential impacts.

    Will the canals or open irrigation systems be affected?

    The current concepts were updated with the intention of avoiding impacts to canals and open irrigation systems.

    What is being done about street lighting on Seneca Drive?

    Concerns about street lighting on Seneca Drive were raised during the June open house. With this project, ACHD will add lighting at the intersections if none exists today.

    How can I get involved or give my input?

    There are many ways to get involved and have a say in what’s happening in your neighborhood. See the list below or the “How Can I Get Involved” section at left.

    • Click the "Subscribe" button under the "Stay Informed" box at the left to receive updates about the project
    • Create a bookmark to this page to get regular updates and find project information.
    • You can also reach out to your ACHD Commissioner and participate in the public hearing when it goes before the Commission for adoption.
    • Subscribe to ACHD’s social media for engagement notifications.