- The existing signal components at 16th and Washington are nearly 40 years old and are no longer functioning as efficiently as they should.
- There is some concern that southbound drivers on 16th St. are focused on the signal at 16th and State when it is green. This may lead to drivers disobeying red indications at Washington St.
- RRFBs are pedestrian-activated flashing LED lights typically mounted adjacent to the pedestrian crossing. When activated, the indications alert drivers to pedestrian presence, increasing driver awareness and improving pedestrian safety.
- Construction is expected to start in spring 2025.
- Traffic engineering standards recommend notifying the public before removing any signal. Standards also recommend covering signal heads for at least 90 days before fully decommissioning them and installing appropriate stop control on Washington St. We plan to install the raised crosswalks and the RRFB during this 90-day period, though pedestrian detours may be needed during construction to meet all applicable requirements consistent with those in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Why replace the traffic signal with Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs)?
Why not install a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB)?
ACHD does not usually install PHBs within the downtown Boise signalized network. The red indications on a PHB look similar to a regular traffic signal which could lead to the existing compliance issues we are noticing at the intersection. A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB), with flashing yellow lights, looks different enough from a traffic signal so motorists can more easily distinguish between the16th/Washington and 16th/State intersections.
When will ACHD construct the improvements?