32nd Street and Clay Street Projects
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The Ada County Highway District (ACHD), in partnership with Garden City and the Garden City Urban Renewal Agency (URA), is designing changes for Clay Street, 37th Street to 32nd Street & 32nd Street, Chinden Boulevard to Clay Street.
The purpose of these projects is to accommodate a growing Garden City and provide increased pedestrian connectivity and safety.
Project Description
- Reconstruct Clay and 32nd streets.
- Add curb, gutter and sidewalk on both sides of Clay and 32nd streets to provide a dedicated space for pedestrians.
- Replace most existing sidewalk.
- Construct bulb-outs to help slow traffic and increase safety.
- Install street lighting for safety.
- Most on-street parking will remain on both sides of the streets.
Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 03:18 PM