July 2022 Public Outreach Summary
In July 2022, ACHD asked the public for feedback on the Coston Street Sidewalk Project.
There were 117 total respondents to the survey, with most in favor of the proposed design.
- 82% (96 respondents) were supportive of the project.
- 12% (14 respondents) were unsupportive of the project.
- 6% (7 respondents) were unsure of the project design.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why were bulbouts on Coston Street at Hillview Drive included in the project design?
There are significant utilities at the Coston and Hillview intersection. The bulbout placement here allows the pedestrian ramps to be compliant with modern standards.
- Will ACHD need to purchase my property for the project?
Most of the improvements fit in the public right-of-way and ACHD will not need to purchase much property.
However, Temporary Construction Easements (TCE) will be needed along some properties. This is so we can repair and clean any driveways impacted by construction.
- Why aren’t there more traffic calming methods in place?
Due to the current 20 mph speed limit and traffic volumes, additional traffic calming is not currently necessary for this corridor.
- How does ACHD decide what trees are removed and which ones are not?
ACHD works hard to impact trees as little as possible when designing improvements. Unfortunately, sometimes trees must be removed due to sidewalk impacts, utilities, and updated pedestrian ramps.
The trees slated for removal are identified and reviewed by a City of Boise Arborist, ACHD, and Boise Parks and Recreation. ACHD pays to have the trees removed as part of the construction cost.

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