What is a bulb-out?

    Bulb-outs are an extension of the curb and sidewalk into the street that narrows the road, slows vehicles and shortens the crossing distance for pedestrians.  

    Benefits of Bulb-outs

    • Slows and calms traffic 
    • Provides spacing to install ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant pedestrian ramps on existing sidewalks where they are otherwise too narrow 
    • Provides additional visibility and protection for pedestrians when crossing the street 
    • Reduces the exposure of pedestrians to vehicular traffic

    Challenges of Bulb-outs

    • Eliminates on-street parking near the bulb-out 

    What are we doing to limit property impacts?

    To limit property impacts, 5-foot sidewalks are being proposed. Originally, 7-foot sidewalks were considered, but that large of a sidewalk would have impacted more fences and trees than the proposed design.

    Will ACHD need to purchase my property for the project?

    Most of the improvements fit in the public right-of-way and ACHD will not need to purchase much property. 

    However, Temporary Construction Easements (TCE) will be needed along some properties. This is so we can repair and clean any driveways impacted by construction. 

    Will ACHD replace sprinklers and plants that are affected during construction?

    Sprinkler and landscape repairs in the public right of way will be paid for and provided by ACHD near the end of the project. A right-of-way agent can connect with you if you have any other concerns regarding your property.

    How does ACHD decide what trees are removed and which ones are not?

    ACHD works hard to impact trees as little as possible when designing improvements. Unfortunately, sometimes trees must be removed due to sidewalk impacts, utilities, and updated pedestrian ramps. 

    The trees slated for removal are identified during design and reviewed by a City of Boise Arborist and Boise Parks and Recreation. ACHD pays to have the trees removed as part of the construction cost.