Why is ACHD designing the ITD overpass?

    ACHD is partnering with ITD on the design of Five Mile Rd, from Overland Rd to Franklin Rd.  ACHD is paying for the roadway design with the aid of a federal grant and ITD is responsible for the overpass and its associated costs.  ACHD and ITD meet monthly with the design project team to discuss the progress and design of this project, so ITD is very involved in the design of their facility.

    Why isn’t an interchange being built on Five Mile Rd.?

    An Interchange at this location does not meet the Interstate Service Interchange spacing requirements of 2 miles between Interchanges. There is not adequate room for vehicles to get on (accelerate) and off (decelerate), nor is there adequate room for vehicles to merge (weave) due to the proximity of the Wye System Interchange.